Get in touch to learn more or to book sessions
Expressive Arts Therapy, Waikato, New Zealand

Need to Talk
Need to Talk has trained mental health professionals available to respond if you are feeling low and want someone to talk to. Need to Talk is available 24/7, call or text 1737
Crisis Team
The Waikato Mental Health Crisis Team helpline is available 24/7, call 0800 505 050
Lifeline is a service that provides phone counselling and support including a Crisis line, Chinese Lifeline, Kidsline, Depression support, Gambling support and Suicide intervention services. Call 0800 543 354 or text free to 4357
Youthline also provides support specifically for youth, call Youthline 0800 376 633 or text free to 234
Suicide Crisis Helpline
The Suicide Crisis Helpline provides a service for you or someone you know who may be thinking about harming them self. Call the Suicide Crisis HelpLine 0508 828 865